Volume 1 / Issue 5
Are you overwhelmed by your digital life? Do you want to regain control and have a more balanced real life? Are you concerned about how digital and social media may be impacting your family? RETHINK REBALANCE™ A transformative program to help you master your digital world, ensuring you thrive professionally and nurture meaningful personal and family interactions. Schedule YOUR free Consultation. |

Refers to interacting with other people by sharing information with them and receiving information from them.
Refers to instruments of communication, such as the internet (while TV, radio, and newspapers are examples of more traditional forms of media).
Social media are web-based communication tools that enable people to interact with each other by both sharing and consuming information.
What Is Social Media? (lifewire.com)
Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive.
Physical equipment that utilizes digital data. Examples include PCs, smartphones, cameras, and laptops.
What is Digital? | Definition from TechTarget
Physical equipment that utilizes digital data. Examples include PCs, smartphones, cameras, and laptops.
Aspects of life that occur independently of digital technology usage.
A lifestyle that maintains a healthy balance between digital life and real life.
Digital Era Framework – Dr. Dr. Jörn Lengsfeld (joernlengsfeld.com)
Reflecting on my own childhood and adolescence, I recall a time untouched by the whirlwind of digital technology and social media that defines our current era. My days were filled with the simple joys of family gatherings, exploring hobbies, playing outdoors with friends, and indulging in the limitless realms of imagination and creativity. Life was tangible, stable, and pleasantly stress-free.
Fast forward to the present, and the landscape of childhood has dramatically shifted, as seen through the eyes of our 14-year-old son. His schoolwork is completed on an iPad, leisure time is dominated by Xbox and YouTube, and a mobile phone perpetually buzzes with notifications. Traditional in-person interactions have largely given way to a digital social life, threaded through with online gaming and social media connections. It’s a life that teeters on the intangible and precarious, deeply immersed in the digital realm.
Despite these changes, we’ve consciously set boundaries to ensure our son remains connected with the real world—engaging with family, pursuing outdoor activities, and striving toward his academic and athletic goals.
Digital technology, without a doubt, has propelled remarkable discoveries and advancements that have simplified life, bolstered health and safety, and enhanced productivity. Similarly, social media has crafted digital spaces for sharing knowledge, fostering connectivity, and even launching careers.
Yet, there’s a flip side. Growing concerns over digital privacy, the influences of social media, addiction to devices, and the erosion of real-life social and family bonds cannot be ignored. However, the heart of the matter lies not in the technology or platforms themselves but in how they are utilized. The critical questions we face are about intent and impact: Are we using these tools to teach or to tear down? To inform or mislead? To contribute meaningfully or disrupt maliciously?
In the coming months, I plan to delve into the dual-edged sword of digital technology and social media, exploring both their benefits and their drawbacks. For this issue, I’d like to highlight the profound impact digital technology and social media have had on sales and marketing. They’ve cultivated influencers, sparked the creation of innovative products, and revolutionized access to global markets.
Join me as we navigate this complex landscape together, seeking a balanced and mindful approach to our digital lives. Let me know your thoughts. – https://calendly.com/lenmarchese/consultation-with-len
In the spotlight
Wil Seabrook, Funder & Chief Creative
Light Touch Media Group
A World-Class, Full-Scale, Ultra-Creative Commercial Production Agency
“I hate this so much”, I thought to myself. I was sitting on a Zoom call with twenty of my staff, listening to a consultant young enough to be my son describing how he advises his clients to think in terms of fractions of a second as they edit video content for social media in order to increase the chances of it going viral.
He showed a “before and after” example from one of his most successful clients who has a baking channel on TikTok and Instagram. The “before” example appealed to me. It was easy to understand and follow and made me want to try making the delicious looking dessert myself. The “after” example was so fast and frenetic that I couldn’t follow it. It was over before I even fully realized what I was looking at. But it also had several million views compared to a few thousand for the “before” example.
I’ve been producing video content for some of the world’s most well-known brands for sixteen years. After more than eight thousand successful projects, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t for a wide variety of industries and audiences. But in just a few short years, social media platform algorithms have completely upended every bit of conventional wisdom. Success or failure is more transparent than ever before. Your content either goes viral or it doesn’t.
It’s a scary time for professionals and parents right now. The pace and relentlessness of change is at an all-time high. There’s so much information coming so fast it’s hard to know what’s true. Many are being influenced by the number of likes and followers instead of facts.
Nonetheless, by the end of that consulting call, I had newfound knowledge for how to create content that can be successful within the parameters of this new playing field, and I began to brainstorm ways to bring all of my expertise, values and perspective to bear on creating content that checks every algorithmic box while still communicating in a way I personally find pleasing and helpful to the audience.
The takeaway for me is that I can never stop being an avid (even voracious) student of life and business. It’s up to me to bring the same level of enthusiasm, curiosity and energy to my own understanding of how to succeed in my chosen profession that propelled me to start my journey in the first place sixteen years ago.
As long as I maintain that level of engagement, there is an endless, fascinating amount to learn. Just as society itself is always evolving, the ways we interact, speak and learn from one another is also constantly moving forward. The key is to understand current trends enough that you can find your own voice and maintain integrity while still delivering results that customers will value.